Common signs of stress in dogs

Dogs are lovely pet until they exhibit some stressful behavioral changes. It can be caused sue to changes in their daily routine or as a consequence of environmental stress. Here are some of the common stress signs that you may notice in your dog.

  • You dog may raised hackles (the fur along the dog’s spine standing up), tail tucked between their legs, and cowering.
  • Dogs may also exhibit pacing, shaking or shivering, lip licking/yawning, panting and/or excessive salivation.
  • Dogs may also become destructive, eliminating indoors or damaging furniture.
  • Aggression can also be a sign of fear and stress in dogs – this could manifest as growling, snapping, and even attacking other animals or people.
  • Another telltale sign of dog stress is reduced energy levels – they may not be as willing to go on walks or play as they usually would be. They may find it difficult to focus or concentrate on activities they normally enjoy.
  • A dog who is stressed may display nervous behaviors such as licking their paws excessively, chewing on themselves, or even self-mutilation.

All of these behaviors should be taken seriously by dog owners and addressed with help from an experienced dog trainer or veterinarian if necessary.

How to help your dog when it’s stressed?

One of the most effective ways to help a dog when it is feeling stressed is to provide them with a safe, comforting environment. A dog should have access to plenty of quiet places in which they can retreat and relax in times of stress. It can also be helpful to play calming music or use aromatherapy (either dog-safe essential oil diffused through the air or dog-safe sprays on bedding) as a form of stress relief for your dog.

It’s also important to ensure that your dog has enough mental and physical stimulation throughout the day. Long walks, dog puzzles or interactive toys, training sessions, and games are all great ways to provide your pup with enriching experiences throughout the day that will help reduce their overall stress levels. Additionally, spending quality time together like cuddling and petting can be therapeutic for both you and your dog.

If your pup is exhibiting signs of aggression due to stress, it’s best to consult an experienced trainer who can help you better understand what’s causing the behavior and how best to address it. This may include working one-on-one with the dog using positive reinforcement techniques like clicker training or teaching them new behaviors such as impulse control exercises.

Finally, supplements such as omega 3 fatty acids, B vitamins, and amino acids may be beneficial for reducing anxiety in dogs. If you choose this route, make sure you talk with your vet first as certain supplements may interact with medications your dog is taking or cause other unwanted side effects if given in excess amounts.

When to consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist?

It is recommended to consult a professional dog trainer or behaviorist if your dog’s stress-related behaviors are persistent and/or worsening, or if you feel that the dog needs more help than you can provide. Your veterinarian can be a great resource for finding an experienced dog trainer in your area who is qualified to help with these kinds of issues. A certified dog behaviorist would also be able to offer even more tailored advice on how best to handle the situation.